creative writing

Setting goals for your writing and the new year


As we begin a new year, a lot of people find this to be a time to set goals for themselves. For creatives, this might be the time we set goals for the works we want to produce over the next twelve months (or at least begin).  Here at LV Book Design, the goals for the upcoming year are these:

  • Help more authors obtain the covers and layouts they love.
  • Expand the "Upgrades" (which are also available for booking on their own) that I offer to my clients.
  • Develop new products to help writers achieve their goals.

On that last note, one thing I can offer writers right now is the extensive workbook I built, filled with worksheets, timelines, charts, etc. all designed to help you flush out your ideas and keep track of your story as you write. Did "write a novel" make it onto your list of goals? If so, you might be struggling with how to even get started with your writing. Taking on big projects, especially ones that are as personal and as vulnerable as writing a book, can be daunting. Sometimes, we just need help getting the ball rolling. Inside this workbook, you'll find sheets to help you build your characters, develop your plot, scene creation help and much more. Sign up to receive your free copy TODAY!

And remember, you'll never finish if you never begin.

Best wishes and happy writing!

Writing Prompt /// Coffee Break /// June 2016


Each month, I post a writing prompt that you take 10 minutes to write. Just 10 minutes to give yourself a break from what you are working on now but keep you in the flow of working. It may be a topic to write about, or it may be a way of writing that you don't normally use. I am going to try to mix things up so your brain doesn't get bored.

For June, the writing prompt is:

A day in the life.

Pick someone, they can be alive, dead or even fictional, and write about a typical day in his/her life. Don't be afraid to embrace the mundane and push yourself to make it beautiful.

If you post your "Coffee Break" responses anywhere online, I'd love to read them! Share your link in the comments!

Writing Prompt /// Coffee Break /// April 2016


Each month, I'll post a writing prompt that you take 10 minutes to write. Just 10 minutes to give yourself a break from what you are working on now but keep you in the flow of working. It may be a topic to write about, or it may be a way of writing that you don't normally use. I am going to try to mix things up so your brain doesn't get bored.

For April, the writing prompt is:


Picture a dragon, now what do you do with it? Do you fight? Is it friendly? Write about it!

If you post your "Coffee Break" responses anywhere online, I'd love to read them! Share your link in the comments!


Writing Prompt /// Coffee Break /// March 2016


Sometimes, you need to get out of your mind space, and step away from your current project. I've found that mixing things up can really help when I'm frustrated with a project and help me remember why I love my craft in the first place. With that in mind, I decided to start a new monthly segment, "Coffee Break" to help you give your mind a fresh jolt!

Each month, I'll post a writing prompt that you take 10 minutes to write. Just 10 minutes to give yourself a break from what you are working on now but keep you in the flow of working. It may be a topic to write about, or it may be a way of writing that you don't normally use. I am going to try to mix things up so your brain doesn't get bored.

For March, the writing prompt is:

Coffee or Tea?

You probably drink or both of these beverages, but at the very least know someone who enjoys one. Write about it!

If you post your "Coffee Break" responses anywhere online, I'd love to read them! Share your link in the comments!